#1. Define your recruitment needs

The first step in a successful recruitment process is to precisely define your recruitment needs. This initial phase can be structured into two sub-steps:

Define need and budget:

Start by questioning the underlying reasons for the specific hire(s): departures, new objectives, significant growth, etc. Then, establish a budget for this hire, taking into account expenses related to candidate search, interviews, and other associated costs.

Determine the type of profile required:

Once the need is clearly identified, it is important to determine the following elements:

  • The type of profile required (key skills sought, experience, training, etc.),
  • The type of contract required,
  • The volume of hours,
  • The salary range.

Similarly, defining specific keywords will facilitate the search for the most relevant candidates for the position.

#2. Don’t forget to tap into your resources

Before focusing on your job ad, make sure to consult your teams to determine if a profile matching your needs already exists internally. If not, consider co-opting by mobilising your employees’ network to recruit candidates from the existing team. Additionally, don’t forget to explore your talent pool to find potential candidates.

#3. Write a job ad that reflects your company

When writing your job posting, make sure to include the following key information:

  • A clear and attractive title and introduction,
  • A description of the position and responsibilities,
  • The requirements and skills sought,
  • Your company’s culture and the benefits offered,
  • The steps of the selection process.

It is crucial to consider the target audience and personalise the elements highlighted, such as tone and keywords, in alignment with the previously defined persona.

#4. Effectively distribute your job ad

Your Career Site:

Posting job advertisements on your career site offers targeted visibility, allows total control over the company’s image, and reduces recruitment costs. Additionally, it attracts candidates already interested in the company culture, thus promoting employee engagement and the recruitment of qualified talents. Start by enhancing your career site by publishing up-to-date job postings, videos of your company’s various roles, and photos of your premises to allow candidates to envision their future work environment.

General and/or specialised job boards:

The distribution of job postings is essential but can be tedious for those without the right tools. If this is the case for you, consider getting assistance from solutions to make the process less time-consuming. For example, using an ATS allows you to multi-post and centralise all recruitment-related ads on a single platform. Additionally, there are other distribution channels, such as social media. The choice of channels should be determined based on the desired profile, but it is important to note that job boards remain the most widely used channel by candidates.

#5. Manage vacancies collaboratively

Collaborative recruitment allows for different perspectives on candidates, seeing what some may not, and thus avoiding missing a gem or making a hiring mistake. Our advice:

  • Centralise everything in recruitment software.
  • Share a candidate evaluation grid with your colleagues.
  • Create personalised email templates for each candidate.

#6. Take the time to pre-screen candidates

To optimise your recruitment process, you can implement pre-screening tests such as skills and soft skills assessments, or use video interviews. Once your list of candidates is reduced, you can invite them for an in-person interview. This process can include an initial individual interview, followed by a second one in the presence of other stakeholders such as the hiring manager, a colleague with relevant expertise, etc. To structure each interview, using an evaluation grid can be beneficial. Additionally, you can propose a practical case to the candidate to assess their skills in real-life situations.

#7. Select your talent together

When it comes to selecting the ideal talent for your team, the importance of a joint decision cannot be underestimated. Within a company, the diversity of perspectives and skills is a major asset. By involving the entire team in the selection process, you ensure that you gather a variety of viewpoints and experiences that can contribute to a more informed and balanced decision.

#8. Integrate your candidate to avoid attrition

The penultimate phase of an effective recruitment process! According to a LinkedIn study, 22% of new employees leave their position within the first 45 days after being hired. This figure highlights the importance of ensuring continuity between the experience during the recruitment process and the one after hiring. To avoid any disruption, here are our recommendations:

  • Prepare for the arrival of the future employee by providing them with all the necessary resources to facilitate their integration.
  • Assign a mentor within the company who can guide your new recruit.
  • Send satisfaction questionnaires to evaluate the newcomer’s experience.
  • Pay particular attention to your employees’ quality of life. Happiness is contagious, and it is crucial to remember that the opposite is also true.

#9. Analyse your recruitment campaigns

Thoroughly examine your recruitment strategies by carefully analysing performance indicators. It is essential to prioritise the following elements to evaluate the effectiveness of your process:

  • The average recruitment time, by conducting a step-by-step analysis.
  • The conversion rates of candidates at each stage of the process.
  • The sources of talent acquisition to understand which methods are most fruitful.

This analysis will allow you to identify areas for improvement and optimise your recruitment strategy for future campaigns.