Shape personality test.
In less than 10 minutes you’ll feel like you’ve known your candidate for 10 years.
A personality test. But better.
Unlike standard personality tests, Shape was designed with both the candidate and the employer in mind. You don’t need to be a psychologist or have a PhD in behavioural analytics to take full advantage of its power.

The Big Five Model.
Shape is based on the Big Five theoretical model which is highly regarded as authoritative within the international scientific community.
The Shape model was developed in accordance with Gordon’s recommendations (1951). Other major studies such as those by Pytlik, Zillig, Hemenover and Dienstbier (2002) have also been incorporated. Through this approach we have addressed the emotional, behavioural and cognitive aspects of each of the Big Five personality traits.
A true data mine.
In less than 10 minutes, the data collection model that powers our Shape test allows you to assess 20 personality traits, measure respondent spontaneity for each group of items, identify potential across 15 key behaviours, analyse propensity for 8 risk factors, and automatically pinpoint areas of development for each individual. All this in addition to data on test-taking conditions.
Average test time (mins)
Collected data points
Coherence control.
Powerful algorithms in the Shape assessment control the coherence of responses given by candidates and employees, and accurately measure the level of spontaneity with which they build their profile. This gives you an immediate indicator of the degree of reliability of the results.
More reliable
10 minutes... and not a minute more.
On average it takes less than 10 minutes for people to complete their Shape profile. When finished, candidates and employees get their profile report immediately!
20 personality traits.
Our Shape test is a data collection module where each personality trait has been selected to maximise the predictive power for behaviours and performance in the workplace.

15 measures of potential.
You will discover the natural tendency of each individual to display each of the 15 behaviours, which predict success potential in an infinite number of occupations.
3X more predictive power.
AssessFirst’s psychometric qualities make it one of the most powerful and reliable AI-augmented potential assessment solutions in the market.
Our Shape data collection module was designed to maximise the validity of our predictions for global efficiency at work and for key behaviours in professional contexts.
Our validity studies address content validity, construct validity, criterion validity, and cross-cultural equivalence.
Response items
Predictive validity (X̅)
By calculating reliability indicators we can ensure the coherence of the items used to assess each criterion in Shape, as well as the stability of the measured criteria over time.
Our reliability studies address the internal consistency of each of the scales (Cronbach’s Alpha), as well as test-rest reliability.
Cronbach's alpha (Mdn)
Test-retest (Mdn)
By calculating sensitivity indicators for each of the personality criteria assessed by Shape, we can verify the capacity of the module to accurately distinguish individuals from one another.
Our sensibility studies focus on determining Delta Coefficients. On average, these indicators are almost 2 times higher than those recommended by the most stringent international psychometric standards.
Delta Coefficient (X̅)
Possible configurations
We have developed measures to ensure Shape does not put any category of respondents at a disadvantage, including selecting criteria highly relevant to professional contexts and conducting an impact study to validate obtained results in regards to age, gender, ethnicity and disability. We have kept the amount of personal information collected to a strict minimum. Additionally, we provide clients with predictive models that enable them to contextualise the results of each respondent.
Deviation from theoretical mean
Analysed samples