Manage your Workforce Planning, easily.
Effective anticipation and planning for future jobs and skills maximises your company’s chances of performing optimally. The problem, though, is that measures taken are often both complex and not very useful.

Take advantage of your internal benchmarks.
By integrating your internal benchmarks (for skills and/or values) directly into AssessFirst, you have access to a solution that speaks your language, natively. No need to translate your candidates’ AssessFirst profiles into potential for each of your skills referenced. All that work is already done. You just have to observe the indicators, whether at the individual or collective level.

Access relevant indicators.
AssessFirst automatically cross-references over 200 criteria linked to people’s personality, motivations and cognitive abilities in order to accurately assess the potential of your candidates and employees, across each of the skills and values included from your internal benchmarks.
Analysed data points
Possible configurations
Increased precision.
More predictive power
More predictive power
More predictive power
Begin with your benchmarks...
We are able to integrate any of your internal benchmarks, whether they are references for skills or values. In less than 15 days, our team will have them fully integrated and operational.
The "Skills" approach
Managerial, commercial, relational, emotional skills… regardless of the number or nature of your model’s skills, we can integrate them directly into the heart of AssessFirst.

The "Values" approach
Do you have a value model specific to your business? Integrate it directly into the heart of AssessFirst and find out how your employees position themselves on each of these values.

Evaluate everyone, internally.
In just 25 to 30 minutes, each employee can complete their profile on AssessFirst and obtain immediate – fully automated – feedback on their personal strengths and talents.
Discover their skills.
For each person who has completed their AssessFirst profile, you will have a clear account of their positioning on each of the skills and/or values in your internal framework.

Distinguish between "ability" and "desire".
For each skill assessed, you discover not only to what level the person is likely to master it… but also their natural inclination to express it on a daily basis.
Map your teams!
With the skills approach of AssessFirst, not only can you assess the levels of individuals, but you can also assess entire teams.

Boost your training plans.
The Skills approach with AssessFirst allows you to build more coherent training plans that are perfectly tailored to the real needs of your internal Talent.

30% more productive workforce, 2X as fast.
By expertly selecting your future coworkers based on their potential, soft skills and cultural fit, you’ll ensure that they can turn into top performers, who hit the ground running and stay in it for the long haul.
Make turnover rates plummet.
Make.turnover rates plummet.
Make turnover rates plummet.
Make turnover.rates plummet.
Make turnover...rates plummet.
Make turnover rates plummet.
Make turnover rates.plummet.
Make turnover rates plummet.
When you factor in the potential of your candidate and their fit within your company culture, you can keep them engaged 100% longer.
Retail Sector
The standard recruitment process based on CV screening was modified to shortlist candidates based on personality and cognitive ability instead. Salespeople recruited with the new model stay on 2 times as long on average and achieve 11% higher sales rates than those hired using the old model.
Lower turnover rates
Candidates assessed / year
- bias, + diversity
AssessFirst allows you to focus exclusively on the criteria that can impact performance and engagement levels, so you can widen your candidate pool. Whether it’s age, nationality, gender, ethnicity, academic qualifications and more, you’ll be sure to hire collaborators with more varied profiles.
Real Estate Sector
In the context of their Graduate Recruitment program, candidates were being preselected from a pool of 4 target schools and on the basis of their CV alone. This led to 80% of retained applicants being male. By screening candidates based on soft skills, the organisation was able to diversify their resource pool (opening recruitment to non-targeted schools) and drastically reduce the gender gap for recruited profiles.
More women hired
Of new recruits were women