Can you really predict the success of new recruits?

Discover the science behind ‘predictive validity’ and see how the assessments and evaluations in your recruitment process stand up to scrutiny.  


The science that could blow the recruitment industry wide-open!

Traditional selection processes are less and less consistent: a problem made worse by the growing pressures on those working across Talent and Recruitment who are stretched with workload. How can candidates be recruited in a way that gives employers maximum confidence in their potential to succeed. Let’s find out! 

Measures of prediction...


Structured interviews

A structured interview has high predictive validity. Conducted well, structured interviews can give employers high confidence in the person they choose for the job.



A person’s age has no predictive power. A person can be old and be highly successful or they can be young and be highly successful.


Years of education

Recruiting people based on where they were educated or how long they spent in education makes no sense according to science. There is almost no predictive validity.

What's inside?

Et développez vos mobilités internes.

Beginning with a summary of Frank L Schmidt’s meta analysis, you’ll be able to pull out the key findings of research that is based on almost a century of psychological work in this field.

You’ll be able to grasp the fundamentals of ‘Predictive Validity’ and get to grips with the basics of measuring predictive power (r and ) as it relates to Talent Acquisition and Recruitment.

Find out what recruitment tools, processes and candidate application criteria are scientifically useful (and useless) as you continue your quest to help find the right people for the right roles.

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About AssessFirst

With AssessFirst, quickly and reliably identify the people who will know and love to build your business of tomorrow with you.

Understand who people really are, what they are really capable and also what they can become – all in the ultra unique context of your company.

Today, over 3,500 companies in 40 countries use AssessFirst to hire the right people for the right roles and develop them into superstars.